Browsing University of Detroit Mercy Dissertation, Thesis, and Student Project Collections by Subject "Adaptive Reuse"

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Browsing University of Detroit Mercy Dissertation, Thesis, and Student Project Collections by Subject "Adaptive Reuse"

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  • Gladd, Rebecca (2024-08-16)
    Adapting the Narrative focuses on ways and methods to promote the option of adaptive reuse within the context of Detroit through policy and sustainability methods. Adaptive reuse sustains the value of a building through ...
  • Duranovich, Sean (2022-05-16)
    The practice of adaptive reuse can shape views of the past and inspire visions of the future through expressions of memory and place as being transmitted through the users lived experience. Collective memory, sense of ...
  • Alsobrooks, Mark (2021-05-19)
    Adaptive Reuse takes many ideas from Historical Preservation with similar goals of preserving the nature and collective identity of an existing site. Using Historic Preservation as a basis for further understanding the ...

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