Honors Thesis Collection

UDM Libraries / IDS Digital Repository


Honors Thesis Collection


The Honors Thesis affords each student an inspiring, exciting and unique opportunity to develop and complete an individually-determined project of passionate interest to them, and which brings each student closer to intellectual and creative maturity and imbues them with a deeper appreciation of both an aspect of the world and their own abilities. In order to accommodate the various curricular demands of the several different majors The Program serves, a great deal of flexibility is allowed as to when students may begin work on their theses. Generally speaking, students can start their theses whenever they have determined their topic and are ready to start. Typically a thesis is not started before a student's sophomore year, and no later than the second term of a student's junior year. If you are an Honors student who needs help submitting your thesis to this collection, please review the submission guide [PDF], or contact the Archive Research Center at (313) 993-1950 or armstrsj1@udmercy.edu.

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