Our lives are influenced by many external forces. Many of these forces contribute negatively to the essence of what it means to be human, which causes the human experience to suffer. Through our experiences, we need to celebrate our existence and be reminded of the gift it is to be. Humans, through memories, have the ability to recall thoughts, images, smells and combinations of these senses from our mind. All memories are unique. Such memories are gathered over the human being’s lifetime. Some memories help define who an individual is and others are stored away forever. The forces that lead to negative emotions and memories about our human experience harm the human soul. Hence experiences need to exist that inspire the human soul. This raises a question about our quality of life. Is it possible to change? Yes. Architecture has the power to impact lives. When an employee feels inspired in their place of business, when a child is free to play in a space, and when no words are enough to express how an environment makes everyone feel the same yet different, that is the power of architecture. The design of a space has the ability to make people have the “awe” moment or recall a memory based on what the architecture gives that one person at that one moment. Spaces that subconsciously touch the human being are empowered spaces, in which it guides the human behavior to replenish the human soul.