With the increasing speed of our society as our technologies grow, we have become increasingly static in the use and understanding ofour physical bodies as we allow technology to go beyond the simple theory ofmimicking the body to the actuality ofreplacing the body. We have replaced many ofour functions with a substitution or imitation ofthat function which is often illustrated in a visual manor. We have, in other words, become an occularcentric culture where bodies of people, places and things are defined increasingly in a visual manor. The investigation that I chose to explore was the relating to the need for architecture in our current and future society as technology continues to grow. I wanted to emphasize the need for and existence of bodies as well as their relationship to the space around them. I chose to do this by acknowledging the importance ofdigital media to our culture and attempting to thicken the space ofthe digital projection, the digital image or digital body to a space that is not compromising to the physical bodies we have." This project is an exploration ofthresholds between visual bodies and tactile bodies. Accentuating the concepts ofpeeling, thickening, layering, and moving through spaces in a cinematic fashion to accentuate the already intertwining relationship between digital and physical media and digital and physical bodies.