Remixed Architecture

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Show simple item record Johnson, Kyle 2012-05-22T21:30:29Z 2012-05-22T21:30:29Z 2012-05-22
dc.description.abstract A contemporary disc jockey, while having the tools to manipulate the frequencies of sound, does not always manipulate the sound, but simply alters the way in which the music is presented; in other words, he/she is controlling the way in which it is heard by the person or people within space. Architecture parallels this idea in the geometric forms that it takes. As an example, Italian renaissance architects Vitruvius and Palladio both manipulated geometrical proportions to control musical harmonies. This thesis attempts to analyze and question the art of music as well as the production of music as a means to explore a remixed architecture. In viewing the realm of architecture through the scope of the disc jockey, one can begin to draw parallels between music and architecture. Respectfully, the DJ and the architect may be one in the same. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Remixed Architecture en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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